21 May 2002, George Monbiot, The Guardian
"... while we should be asking what George Bush and his cabinet knew and failed to respond to before September 11, we should also be exploring another, related, question: what do they know now and yet still refuse to act upon? Another way of asking the question is this: whatever happened to the anthrax investigation?"
"Why Has The FBI Investigation Into The Anthrax Attacks Stalled?"
ANTHRAX = $ $ $
FDA Talk Paper
Cipro (Bayer)
FDA Press Release
Hollister-Stier (formerly Bayer)
Montana Associated Technology Roundtables
HHS Press Release
Battelle Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy
Battelle Chemical and Biological Defense
Battelle Defense Systems
HGS Press Release
25 February 2002 Daily Briefing
4 October 2002 Daily Briefing
16 October 2002 Daily Briefing
Anthrax: "The Threat is Real" (AVIP, DoD)
Dept. of Homeland Security
BioDefense and Homeland Security Funding and Resource Guide
DynPort Vaccine Co.
Laura Rozen: Who is Steven Hatfill?
Laura Rozen: Fort Detrick's Anthrax Mystery