Demonizing Dissent

"From the beginning, the Right has sought to portray anti-war protesters as radicals. This does not gibe with the facts. A New York Times piece on dissenters emphasizes the diversity of the peace movement. While it is true that one group involved in the peace protests, International ANSWER, has socialist ties, most major anti-war organizations have mainstream connections to groups like the NAACP and the National Council of Churches.

These mainstream peace coalitions have gone out of their way to distance themselves from more radical elements and to disavow their tactics. However, the Times' nuanced description of dissenters does not lend itself to easy caricature. Thus, right-wing groups spend most of their time talking about ANSWER. When they discuss other organizations at all, they paint them with the same red-baiting brush, indicating that any variation from ANSWER is merely a Marxist marketing ploy."


People For the American Way