
From LiberalOasis:

"I should have raised my voice louder than I did," [Sen. Tom] Harkin says about opposing [John] Negroponte's nominations. "I've been amazed at how this individual-- from what he did in Central America, where under his watch hundreds of people disappeared-- has moved up. He falsified reports and ignored what was happening."

Harkin adds: "I feel a certain sense that I let people down because I haven't kept on this guy."

-- W. Post, 6/21/04, after Negroponte was named Ambassador to Iraq

Harkin shouldn't be too hard on himself. It's not like he got a lot of help from his fellow Dems.

But seeing Negroponte go from human rights abuser to UN ambassador to Iraq ambassador to now, Director of National Intelligence, should serve as a lesson.

When you don't keep up consistent, principled opposition against people with bad records, you won't be able to stop them when you really need to.

MORE: Media, Again, Ignore Negroponte's Record

From Julia at Sisyphus Shrugged:

the really sad thing is

that we all know that Negroponte is going to be approved no matter what we do.

Another thing we know is that they only do outrageous things like this when they want to distract us from something we’re doing that’s hurting them or something that’s causing them severe political damage, and this nomination is pretty much the nuclear option as far as doing something outrageous goes.

What they want the subject to be: the need to ‘fix’ social security.

What the subject is: big gay jpegs of Jeff Gannon’s equipment from underneath.

What is more likely to damage them with their base - appointing a guy who carried on a private terror war for Rumsfeld and Cheney twenty years ago as our Director of National Security or big gay jpegs of Jeff Gannon’s equipment from underneath: big gay jpegs of Jeff Gannon’s equipment from underneath.

What they really, really, really don’t want to talk about: big gay jpegs of Jeff Gannon’s equipment from underneath.

If there’s anything we should have learned during the last twelve years it’s that this kind of crap is what the voters of this country use to make up their minds about politicians and parties. That’s why we’ve been treated to endless fountains of this kind of crap from Republicans. It’s been their entire message.

What I think we should be talking about right now: big gay jpegs of Jeff Gannon’s equipment from underneath.

and how horribly, horribly sad is that.

Jeanne @ Body & Soul and Julia @ Sisyphus Shrugged discuss.

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